Thursday, 29 November 2012

Alexa Won

There has been an unprecedented occurence. I am prempting it as I mean to say there will be an unprecedented occurence: featuring Alexa Cheung twice on my blog in one month. Credit where it is due she deserves an award for her versatile style. The crown has been passed (unofficially) down from Queen Kate at the British Fashion Awards as she won the Style Icon award. In this post I am going to select my favourite outfits of the chung in the last year, seeing as it is very nearly 2013.

Who would have thought a buttoned shirt with leather dress with echoes of dominatrix would work? The Chung rocks it at the Met Ball. The Fifty Shades of Grey generation of sexy secretary.

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Leopard plus fashion multiply Alexa equals a very cool holiday outfit. I wish I was reclining by a beach location in those cherry sandals and not de-thawing my toes whilst watching I'm A Celebrity.

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Who said in the summer that you cannot wear long sleeves with shorts? Just as I was about to throw out my Converse, Miss Chung gave me a reason to make them stay in the wardrobe.

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And let's face it she made and owned the androgynous look.

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She is the reason we own a leather biker jacket, a pair of loafers, trench coat, a chainmail bag and a polka dot playsuit. I cannot wait to see what she will pull out of her hat next. But one thing is for sure is a copycat of that hat will be on the shelves of every high street store in the land.

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