Sunday, 30 October 2011

I need them, those Meadham Kirchoffs.

Descending upon the runway at London Fashion Week were hallucinogenic dolls trussed up in a magnificent splendor to the beat of a drum named Meadham Kirchoff. This design duo knocked the knee high socks off any contenders by creating a wacky and wonderfully entertaining buzz at the Topshop stage in Waterloo. Party frocks aplenty inspired in length by the sixties mini but in style by the opulence of the eighteenth century. If Marie Antoinette herself burst out of a cake at the end no one would have batted a feather pink neon eyelid. Hearts were not worn on sleeves but emblazoned across pastel pink and yellow prom cardigans. A theatrical costume from head to toe, even the glitzy platform wedges had pom poms attached. The models wore the costumes of dance. Skirts fringed in feather of the burlesque performer to the puffed out tutus of the ballet novice. They pushed the limit on brights creating a heady mix of colour clash. A merry go land of fun it enlivened the spirits of a country feeling the frosty claw of austerity. Meadham Kirchoff, ker-ching!

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