Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Jennifer Siggs: Styles Me Vintage

A complete lifestyle change occurred one day in a jive class for Jennifer Siggs. It was the incentive for her to become a fully-fledged member of the Vintage Mafia. In only a short space of time she has become a successful vintage blogger and model. On top of all this she still manages to find time to juggle her day job running events at the Churchill War rooms. Despite never dressing in what could be termed as conventional, it seems her colleagues do not notice her dressing any differently to them: “Because I have worked in the same place now for some time, no one batters an eyelid when they see me dressed in my full vintage regalia in the office. I like to think it makes things more interesting!” Here at MSL we agree and that is why we took the time to chat to the twenty-something about her fascinating vintage life.

Jennifer’s blog, Yesterdaygirl, has 814 dedicated followers to date. Its popularity is largely due to her being a down-to earth girl who happens to be obsessed with dressing in a retro way. She is very detailed in her advise to readers on where to buy the best genuine clothing from eras past. Her blog has chartered her progressive change to this way of life: “I began to change the way I look, starting with my hair, gradually buying vintage clothes, learning about make up styles and how to style my hair in a vintage way. Within a year, my wardrobe was 90% vintage and I was an expert at vintage hair styling and dressed like this everyday! I also started writing my blog at the beginning of my vintage adventures and met so many friends and like-minded people that way.” One person that she did meet was her partner, a photographer who takes pictures of Jennifer modelling vintage fashion. It seems they are well – matched pair: “My partner is a photographer who uses vintage cameras and film, and so we get to work together on lots of modelling projects. Its great to work with someone that understands the aesthetic that I love and can create the image that I have in my head.” The perfect partnership of modelling and writing has managed to make her a ‘go to’ in terms how to achieve the perfect pin- up look.

Jennifer lives and breathes the vintage way of life from the clothes she models to attending many Vintage events which she describes as being like ‘vintage house parties’: “I run an event with my female comrades, The Vintage Mafia. The Ric Rac Club is a night for vintage aficionados and newcomers alike and the next club night is also the launch of one of the Mafia’s books ‘Style Me Vintage – Clothes’ in which we all feature.” As any fashion blogger worth her salt Jennifer has a treasured item that she cannot live without; her item happens to be a pair of reptile skin 1940s platform shoes with the CC41 utility label printed inside. “They are incredibly uncomfortable and don’t fit me very well at all, so I mostly only wear them for photo shoots and such, but there is something very special about them and I will never sell them.” And does Jennifer have a tip for us at MSL? “Invest in good underwear. Great foundation garments make you stand better, walk better, make your clothes hang well and ultimately make you feel good, even before you’ve put your clothes on!” This is a great tip for every woman who wants to achieve great style whatever the era.

Caroline Barnes

To read Jennifer’s blog visit:

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