Sunday, 1 January 2012

No Longer Pulling The Wool Over My Eyes.

Don't get me wrong I have seriously overindulged on the Christmas jumper this season, but now it is January I feel a restyle is in order. The jumper craze developed for very good reasons which I will  detail: it keeps you warm, it is fulfills our love for nineties fashion, people like The Killing (notice how careful I was by remitting the first person, making my feelings clear about the show) and it gets us easily into the Christmas spirit. However, now the festive season is drawing to a close I feel that wearing the Christmas jumper would be like getting caught naked in the high street fifteen miles from home. You get that clawing sense of humiliation that creeps up your spine making you want to hide away forever. A love affair that, like all good ones must come to an end. I am banishing mine to the back of the wardrobe (I don't want to completely rule it out) and commencing my Christmas jumper detox plan.

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