Monday, 26 March 2012

My Carrie shaped hole will soon be filled

Courtesy of MSN images
Every time I watch an old episode of Sex and the City (my favourite is season 3, Carrie's affair with Big)) I feel inspired by the beautiful outfits worn by Carrie Bradshaw. The vintage summer dresses are timeless classics, perfectly complimented with dainty gold necklaces or oversized hoops.

Watching the show is a visual spectacle, a treat for the fashion eye and that is why I am feeling excited about the new Carrie Diaries show which revolves around the antics of the teenage Carrie Bradshaw. This preview image of AnnaSophia Robb could been taken at a shoot for TeenVogue. It gladdens the cockles of my heart to see that fashion is a focus of the new series. There are not many shows like Sex and the City that put so much effort into the meticulous styling of each character proven by the several different outfit changes per episode. The show became famous for the designers just as much as the relationship dramas of the four singletons on screen.

For awhile I have found much solace in Gossip Girl however nothing really compares to the ultimate fashionable New York girl, Carrie Bradshaw. Who else can rock a $5 pair of shorts with a $500 pair of Louboutins?

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