Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Fashion show off

Anyone worth their kitsch onions will know that Barbie and Hello kitty (Lady) are both separate icons of the craze but worthy of much blog attention in their own right - but by jove, a Lady Gaga Barbie dolled up (beg your pardon) in a Hello kitty couture dress? It was too much for my kitsch addled brain to consume (if that is at all possible). This coming from a girl who bought a book mark with a rabbit on it so that the ears pop out of the top of the page (see next post- London, Trocadero). But anyway, you are probably thinking that picture is yonks old even though it is a shiny and delicious example of what your blog holds up in high esteem. But it put me in mind of the distinct and rumoured possibility of the Lady Gaga Fashion range. Is she stylish or attention seeking? Or is that the same thing? To be fashionable are you simply showing off your wares? I am undecided but it is interesting to ponder. I wait for Lady Gaga's line with baited breath.

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